Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

Lele Lela, the unique menus of catfish

For culinary enthusiasts usually are familiar with processed chicken, beef and fish, but this time there is a difference, which is a restaurant that provides a variety of processed foods catfish. In Lele Lela we can find a variety of delicious catfish processed foods and of course healthy. Warung Lele Lela is located on Blambangan Street Kuta or Teuku Umar Street Denpasar.

Benefits catfish are very good for health because it implies that the full variety of nutrients. Although often labeled catfish turns cheesy contains many substances that are good for the human body when consumed. In the course of the tail catfish contained a protein of 16-17%, an amount large enough and capable of meeting the needs of the amino acid in the human body. That's because in many catfish meat contained leucine and lysine.

Leucine is an essential amino acid needed for growth and development of children. Leucine also keep the nitrogen levels in balance in the body. Meanwhile lysine, is also an essential amino acid that functions in calcium absorption; needed in the production of hormones, antibodies, collagen, enzymes and tissue repair.
In addition to the high protein and essential amino acids are diverse, catfish meat is also rich in vitamin B-12. Imagine, in the tail catfish only 40% of the body's need for vitamin B-12 can already fulfilled. The function of vitamin B-12 is not arbitrary. The vitamin is needed to help the process of metabolism, break down the food intake into energy. If the requirement of vitamin B-12, we are quite fast, the body will not be weak and lethargic.
Benefits catfish not only that, although cheap and easily available but it contains omega 3 and omega 6 omega 3 and omega 6 is very helpful for brain development and heart health. In fact, during this time many people assume these substances can only be obtained from upscale grocery aka expensive.
In addition to the above substances, catfish also known to be rich in phosphorus which is good for strong bones and teeth, potassium which is effective for controlling high blood pressure or blood, sodium which helps the health of blood vessels and the heart, unsaturated fatty acids are also beneficial suppress cholesterol.

There is not only to provide a menu of catfish as Lele Fillet Saus Padang, Lele Fillet Saus Tom Yam and others, but also no menu Ayam Bakar Madu, Bebek Cabai Hijau and other dessert menu

For guaranteed cheap price, ranging from Rp. 10,000, and the unique from this restaurant, if you on your birthday or your name is Lela, you will free charge for all menus so do not miss to try the food that is cheap and of course healthy. .

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